Tips to prevent fraud by taxi drivers in Istanbul

Tips to prevent fraud by taxi drivers in Istanbul

Taxis in Istanbul are often considered to be easy, convenient and sometimes cheap, but with more than 20,000 taxis scattered throughout the city, some taxi drivers are likely to come across more than one way. It does not mean that everyone is, and in fact most taxi drivers are honest, but we recommend that you read this article to avoid such accidents.We offer you the most famous ways of cheating taxi drivers in Istanbul and how to behave in the eventof any of them:

Going from irrational roads and taking longer distances than supposed:

Trick: This cheat is rampant among taxi drivers around the world and the city of Istanbul is no exception to this rule.As you are a tourist, the driver assumes that you do not know the right way and therefore choose the longer and bypass roads to reach the area you want and thus increase the value of the fare and if you know the short road will give you excuses such as traffic congestion and congestion of this usual way so it takes the lighter roads crowded .Solution: Unfortunately, if you do not know the Turkish language, there is not much to do. We recommend that you visit this useful taksiyle site, where you can find out the approximate fare for any distance you want in Istanbul. You can also use some mobile applications to find the right path and path Via maps of Istanbul.

Turkish Lira exchange rate

Trick: Let’s assume that the delivery fee was 15 Turkish liras and I gave the driver 50 Turkish liras. In a quick and out of sight way, he switches the banknote into the 5-pound category in his hands and pretends to wait for you to pay the 10 pounds left.So you will be confused as you expect the driver to return the remaining amount of the 50 pounds, but you are now in an embarrassing situation, since you are not familiar with the forms of Turkish currency categories and therefore will assume that you actually gave him 5 pounds and ends up paying 60 pounds instead of 15 pounds!

Solution: Always keep some small cash categories in addition to the crack and small categories such as lira and half lira, so you can charge the taxi driver and give him the fare as it is in the counter completely, and in any case if you only have cash categories of great value and check it well And check its value before giving it to the driver.

I do not have money or money

The trick: once again let’s assume that the fare is 16 Turkish liras and I give him a 20 liras paper. Here the driver will pretend that he is looking for the rest of the money to return it for 4 liras. Then he will show one lira and he will tell you unfortunately I do not own money exchange or 3 pounds to return the remaining amount, and you are expected as a tourist will forgive him the rest and therefore he got 3 extra pounds for free.

Solution: You have two options. If the remaining amount is left, you can leave it to him in any open chest or you can ask him to stop at any store or seller and bring the remaining amount. Here you will be surprised that the rest of the money will show how and where no one knows.

Request a fixed price instead of the fare at the counter

The trick: The driver proposes a fixed price as a delivery fee instead of using the meter, and will try to convince you that this method is better and better for you because of traffic jams and overcrowding and that he will take shortcuts to arrive as soon as possible.

Solution: Always insist on using the meter and if it does not use or does not have the meter you can go down or not to climb at all, and sometimes in the middle of the road suddenly stop the meter and then you can stop and get off with ease and comfort.

Taxi Taxi is better than Taxi !!

The trick: There are about 19,000 licensed taxis in Istanbul. Unfortunately, there are many unlicensed taxis operating illegally. They usually offer a better price than licensed cars. You will find many young people chanting for you to have their car parked !!Solution: Only use the licensed taxis that are yellow and have a taxi sign on the roof of the car. Also, of course, the meter (some new taxis will be placed inside the woman), in addition to a sticker on the door of the vehicle stating the name and number of the office or hotel you follow this car .Of course you can always ask from the hotel where you settle to bring you a taxi

Quotation of the day against the price of the night

The trick: The driver adjusts the meter on the price of the night during the day or at night and both cases are cheating as the price of the night has been canceled and no longer used !!Solution: Always check that the meter is on the day rate. Usually, this word appears in the old counters. For modern taxis you can see the symbol (1) inside the meter in the driver’s mirror.

Dangerous Leadership

This is not a trick, but some taxi drivers in Istanbul fancy that they are in a circuit of the past !!And they certainly have the experience to drive in this way as they want to gain time and get the largest number of customers during the hour, in any case if you felt that you are in danger or that the driver is reckless only ask him to speed down and use the word (Yvash) to slow down speedWhere can I register a taxi complaint in Istanbul?In the event of any problem or any inappropriate incident you can always record the car number printed on the doors of the car in addition to the date, time and place of the incident and send the details of the problem to the Director of Public Transport Services in Istanbul at the following address:

Toplu Ulaşım Hizmetleri MüdürlüğüBeylerbeyi Cad. No: 4 Edirnekapı – İSTANBULTel: +90 (212) 453 78 78Fax: +90 (212) 453 78 77

[email protected]

[email protected]

Alternatively, you can call the Taxis Complaint Line directly at 4441523

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